Outriders Server Communication Error - Could Not Connect to Servers

Couldn’t connect to servers is an error message some players have been seeing in Outriders. It prevents them from playing with the affected character, effectively blocking their access to the game. It’s a nasty issue, and people who’ve experienced it are upset – and rightly so. In this guide, we’re going to explore options you have when trying to solve the Outriders server communication error – could not connect to servers.

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outriders server communication error could not connect to servers
Outriders Server Communication Error – Could Not Connect to Servers

How to fix Outriders server communication error

Sadly, there are only two options you have at this point – either wait for the developers to fix the issue, or start a new character. There’s literally nothing you can do on your side to fix this problem. The upside is that they’re aware of the issue, and they’re working on a fix as we speak.

Many have tried out workarounds of various kinds, but none helped. Here’s a list of the stuff that has been tried and proven not to work:

  • Changing tiers and levels
  • Joining a random sesssion
  • Restarting your console/PC
  • Going into safe mode or resetting the console to clear the cache

It’s a particularly nasty problem to have, since you’re basically prevented from playing with the character you’ve invested so much in. It looks like the save data has been corrupted on the server side, since nothing you try works. Hopefully the developers find a way around it – many would probably rather stop playing then start over from the beginning, after investing all this time and effort into their main character.

We’re going to keep a close eye on the situation, and we’re going to update this article as soon as a solution presents itself. If, however unlikely that may be, you’ve managed to solve the problem on your own, please share your method in the comments so we can check it out.

Author Ketchua profile picture
Ketchua has been writing about games for far too long. As Señor Editor, he produces words (and stuff) for Gosunoob. There are a lot of words (and stuff) there, so he's terribly busy. Especially if you need something.


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  1. O
    Ocaine salisbury

    Ok it’s may 7 and I still cannot get on to play outriders it says cannot connect to outriders servers ? really 4 a whole week ? I guess I’ll just play other games like boring destiny since their servers aren’t giving any problems 4 now ?

  2. J
    James Spicer

    Made GameStop take the game back

  3. D

    This has happened to me I cannot get into outriders I am pissed I play the game payed for the game I cannot even play what I purchase this is so frustrating I had to basically make a new email on my Xbox just so I can play it had to make a character all over again this sucks I really enjoy playing this game and I hope that they can fix this because I’m not giving up on the game

  4. M

    I am still getting the same reading when I try to connect to outriders servers. Could Not Connect to Outriders Servers. I tried hard resetting my console and my router and the same thing pops up, even tried uninstall and re-install same problem. I can play a lot of other games and don’t have any problems, but when it comes to Outriders this is the only game. Fix Your Servers.

    1. P
      Patrick Lahens

      Im in the same situation. Once in a while I get in after trying multiple times over a span of 30 to 45 minutes. It doesn’t even let me sign in

  5. V

    I’ve managed to fix the problem with the help of my partner..

    Try this..

    Restart router.
    Turn off your console leave for 30 seconds
    Turn back on.
    Go to multiplayer settings in network settings and run test.
    If all OK it should work and load in your character.
    My xbox was showing no ip address. After doing the above all is working.

  6. R

    Really unfortunate. I’m the only one who has just been hit with this issue from tonight in our squad. Was working fine last night. Tested making a new character and that is fine but I’m not going to start again after 101 hours on one character. Very much hoping they get to this fast as I’m missing out on playing with my friends. It’s pretty depressing.

  7. J

    Happens to me with every character I make. Even nee characters don’t work.

  8. K

    Yea this just happen to me on my pyromancer lvl 30 cr 14 i had juar got the lucky usunaka hat just got the reaper lmg an i had good mods unlocked like purity that buff that gives u double ur armour at 35% health