Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.

Archives for author: JoeTheBard

Persona 5 Delayed Again For April

Persona 5 Delayed Again For April

The release of Persona 5 for the Western market has been delayed again. The sixth main-series installment of the twenty-year-old franchise was supposed to come…

Jump Around Achievement

Jump Around Achievement

Jump Around Achievement is just one of many trophies to collect in Watch Dogs 2. Since this is an open world game, it’s full to…

Watch Dogs 2 How To Make Money

How To Make Money in Watch Dogs 2

Making money in Watch Dogs 2 is essential. You need it to buy gadgets and improve your gear, as well as for clothes and other…

Ending Of Watch Dogs 2

Watch Dogs 2 Ending

Watch Dogs 2 is Ubisoft’s new open world action-adventure. Like in its predecessor, the central theme in Watch Dogs 2 is surveillance and data manipulation…

Pokémon GO Daily Bonuses Event Announced

Pokémon GO Daily Bonuses Event Announced

Pokémon GO Daily Bonuses Event was announced by Niantic. The event serves to “celebrate” the new Daily Bonuses update with even more bonuses. Trainers will…

F2P Tips and Strategies in Gwent

F2P Gwent Tips and Strategies

Strategies for playing as F2P player in Gwent are getting more important as the closed beta continues. Since a limited number of invites is sent…

Dishonored 2 Achievements List

Dishonored 2 Achievements List

Dishonored 2 is on the horizon. With only days left until the game launches, everyone is abuzz and trying to find out as many details…

Which Cards Affect Gold Units In Gwent

Which Cards Affect Gold Units in Gwent

Which cards affect Gwent gold cards is a question many have been asking. They are the strongest and most resilient cards you can have in…


Dishonored 2 PC System Requirements Revealed

Behtesda Softworks has released Dishonored 2 PC specs . Interestingly, it seems that the game won’t require an especially high-end PC, considering the major change…