Biomutant Suburbia Vault - Ultimate Ranged Weapon - Find Moog & Open Old World Vault

The Old World Vault in Suburbia holds the ultimate ranged weapon in Biomutant, but you first need to find Moog in order to open it. These Vaults contain some of the best loot in the game, so of course you would want to unlock them all. The one in Suburbia in particular has an awesome weapon that is well-worth getting, especially if you specialize in ranged combat. In this Biomutant Suburbia Vault – Ultimate Ranged Weapon – Find Moog & Open Old World Vault guide, we will show you all the steps needed to get inside this Vault and snatch the prize within.

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Biomutant Suburbia Vault - Ultimate Ranged Weapon - Find Moog & Open Old World Vault
Biomutant Suburbia Vault – Ultimate Ranged Weapon – Find Moog & Open Old World Vault

Biomutant Suburbia How to Open Old World Vault

To open the Biomutant Suburbia Vault, you first need to find Moog, who resides in the Deadzone. However, before you can go to the Deadzone, you will need to find a way to move through the Hypoxia Zone without dying from the Hypoxia status effect. Our Biomutant Hypoxia guide lists several ways how you can do this.

Biomutant Moog Location

Biomutant Moog Location

Once you are able to safely transverse the Deadzone, go to Moog. He can be found near the Ankati Fortress. Interact with him and he will give your “The Schacky TrunkGnut” side quest. This “munster” as Moog calls the monsters he has you dispatch, is close to the Biomutant Suburbia Vault.

Defeating The Schacky TrunkGnut to get The Biomutant Suburbia Vault Key

Defeating The Schacky TrunkGnut to get The Biomutant Suburbia Vault Key

Make your way to Suburbia. Follow the quest marker and you will soon encounter the Schacky TrunkGnut a short distance south of Suburbia. Once you have defeated it, do not forget to loot its remains. On it, you will find TrunkGnut Poo, and, more importantly – the Suburbia Vault Key. This will immediately begin the “Suburbia Vault” side quest. Luckily, the Biomutant Suburbia Vault is a short distance away, so keep on following the quest marker.

Biomutant Suburbia Ultimate Ranged Weapon

Biomutant Suburbia Ultimate Ranged Weapon

Enter the Suburbia Vault and go downstairs until you reach a locked Vault door. Interact with the security console left to it and the Vault will open. In the room, you will see a lit glass case. Approach it, break the glass and you will pick up the Ultimate Ranged Weapon in Biomutant – the Sparkatron Hypicskromp.

Enjoy your Sparkatron Hypicskromp, and thank you for reading our Biomutant Suburbia Vault – Ultimate Ranged Weapon – Find Moog & Open Old World Vault guide. Happy gaming!

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A lifelong gamer, Vladimir was always interested in gaming and what makes games tick. Before long, he found himself writing about games as well as playing them. No stranger to game guides which have often helped him make just the right decision in a particularly difficult quest, he’s very happy to be able to help his fellow gamers and give a little back to his favorite pastime.


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