Genshin Impact Basically Ball-Shaped Product Locations
In this guide – Genshin Impact Basically Ball-Shaped Product, we’ll start by showing a location where you can easily encounter these Ball-Shaped items. Additionally, we’ll provide a list of all types that meet this description, offering you the flexibility to diversify your encounters. Let’s get started!
Where to find Basically Ball-Shaped Teyvat Product in Genshin Impact
As this quest involves capturing images of basically ball-shaped product in Genshin Impact, the initial step is to identify the specific items that meet this criterion. This will be discussed in detail in the upcoming section. For now, it’s worth mentioning that Sunsettia and Apples fall into this category. By photographing ten Sunsettias or Apples, you can successfully fulfill the mission requirements. The screenshots below highlights the best locations for several different products: Sunsettia, Apple and Berry, and they are all close to each other near Mondstadt.