Fallout 76 Teapot Locations

Fallout 76 is still going strong, thanks to its dedicated fanbase, and Bethesda’s ongoing development efforts. It’s a good time to be a FO76 player, with more promised content coming soon. And while there are many big and important things that you can do in Fallout 76, there are also many smaller tasks that you can accomplish on a daily basis to get some quick and easy rewards. And out of these daily challenges, one sticks out in particular – the Collect a Teapot Daily Challenge. Which begs the question – where to find a teapot in Fallout 76? To help you with this Daily Challenge, we have put together this list of all the Fallout 76 Teapot Locations.

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Fallout 76 Teapot Locations
Fallout 76 Teapot Locations

Collect a Teapot Fallout 76 Teapot Locations

So let’s see all of the instanced Teapot locations in FO76 and how to get the Teapots there:

  • #1 FO76 Teapot Location: The first Teapot that you can find is at The Wayward, behind the Duchess’s counter there.
  • #2 FO76 Teapot Location: Go to the Whitespring Refuge, and look for it next to the Settler rep.
  • #3 FO76 Teapot Location: Likewise in Whitesprings Refuge. Go to the Governor Hall, up one flight of stairs next to it, and look for the Teapot on the table under construction there.
  • #4 FO76 Teapot Location: This one is at the Overseer’s House. It is at the top of a bookcase – the one close to the wall terminal that controls the entrance to the basement.
  • #5 FO76 Teapot Location: Look for it inside the Leader’s Office in the Big Bend West.
  • #6 FO76 Teapot Location: In the kitchen in the Atlantic City in The Most Sensational Game expedition.

We’d like to thank Reddit user NoxChloride for figuring out these locations. Have fun completing this Collect a Teapot Daily Challenge, and feel free to tell us in the comments about any other Teapot Locations in FO76 that we might have missed.

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A lifelong gamer, Vladimir was always interested in gaming and what makes games tick. Before long, he found himself writing about games as well as playing them. No stranger to game guides which have often helped him make just the right decision in a particularly difficult quest, he’s very happy to be able to help his fellow gamers and give a little back to his favorite pastime.


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