GosuNoob Video Game Reviews
Marvel’s Avengers Review
You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Marvel’s Avengers deserves to be the default entry in the “Great encyclopedia of phraseology” regarding that famous line, often used in marketing aftershave lotions. Indeed, the first impression of Square Enix’s entry in the multi-billion dollar multimedia franchise was a mini disaster – after…
Ghost of Tsushima Review
Mother Nature is sometimes a crucial factor in shaping the flow of events in human history. Imagine, if you will, operation Barbarossa without the Russian…
The Last of Us Part II Review
Australian fires, the COVID-19 pandemic, economic collapse, murder hornets, street riots, the drums of World War III… The greatest game of tug-o-war ever presented in…
Gears Tactics Review
Gears of War wasn’t the first game that combined shooting and taking cover, but it’s probably the most famous of them all. With this game,…
Final Fantasy VII Remake Review
In many ways, remaking Final Fantasy VII, one of most beloved games in the history of the Universe, could be compared with mining an asteroid…
Resident Evil 3 Remake Review
The Spectacular remake of Resident Evil 2 from last year is a tough act to follow, so Resident Evil 3, much like the original third…
Nioh 2 Review
Gaming trends are mostly unpredictable, but the sudden popularity of hard-core action RPG-s known as “Soulsborne” and “Souls-like” is very puzzling, considering the challenge, strain,…
Doom Eternal Review
The super gory festival of anti-demonic giga violence is back, and like the Doom games of Old, it ought to be sold with a big…
One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows Review
When One Punch Man came out, it disrupted the anime scene with its unique blend of humor and gore. It was just a matter of…
The Persistence Review – PSVR thrills and chills
It’s not always easy finding a game you want to keep playing on the PS VR. AAA games are scarce on the platform, and others…
Detroit: Become Human review – My guilty pleasure
Detroit: Become Human is my guilty pleasure. It is the latest game from Quantic Dream, the makers of unique adventure games or interactive movies, depending…
God of War Review – Slow Start, Fantastic Ending
God of War has been one of my favorite franchises when I was younger. It was the perfect power fantasy at the time. So, when…
God of War Review in Progress – Is Bigger Always Better?
Before we begin, I’d like to point out that I am a huge God of War fan; have been since the earliest days. Ever since…
Extinction Review
When the Extinction gameplay trailer was first shown at E3 2017, it really piqued my interest. Fighting giant Ogres in fully-destructible environments, with civilians in…
Shadow of the Colossus 2018 Remake Review
It’s no secret that I am a rabid fan of Team Ico games, and Shadow of the Colossus is by far my favorite of the…
The Red Strings Club Review – A Beautiful Marriage of Narrative & Systems
The Red Strings Club is a sorta-point-and-click cyberpunk romp from Deconstructeam, makers of Gods Will Be Watching and a plethora of other, narrative-focused games. It’s…
Dusk Is An Old-School Shooter That Pushes All The Right Buttons
Old school shooters have been going through a renaissance these past few years. Even the big boys have taken notice, thanks to which we now…
Skyrim VR Impressions
I’ve spent 200 hours in Skyrim back in 2011 and 2012. When we got Skyrim VR, the 2017 version of the game created for Playstation…
Dead Cells impressions – the Brutal Update
Dead Cells smashes several popular indie trends together and creates a rather satisfying gaming experience. You have your procedurally generated levels, and the use of…
Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds DLC Review
Following the success of games like Killzone 2 and Killzone 3, Dutch developer Guerrilla Games released Killzone Shadow Fall, which ended up being an inferior…