Pokemon GO Best Electric Cup Teams

In our Pokemon GO Best Electric Cup Teams guide, we will first give you a list of all the best Pokemon to use in the event. After that, we are going to give you some ideas on how to put them together into a team. Let’s get right into it, shall we?

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pokemon go best electric cup teams
Pokemon GO Best Electric Cup Teams

Pokemon GO Best Electric Cup Pokemon

Before we get to the best Electric Cup Pokemon and teams in Pokemon GO, let’s go over the rules first. To begin with, all participating Pokemon have to be at or below 1,500 CP. Second, only Electric-type Pokemon are allowed in (dual-types allowed). However, there’s also the third thing: you can’t use Stunfisk, Heliolisk, Charjabug and Vikavolt. Shame that, I love me a Stunfisk. Okay, with all of these restrictions applied, which Pokemon are the best to use? Here are some suggestions.

  • Lanturn with Water Gun, Surf or Thunderbolt
  • Minun with Quick Attack, Grass Knot or Discharge
  • Luxray (Shadow or regular) with Hidden Power (Ground) Psychic Fangs, or Wild Charge
  • Magnezone (Shadow or regular) with Volt Switch, Wild Charge or Mirror Shot
  • Electrode (ideally Hisuian) with Thunder Shock, Wild Charge or Energy Ball
  • Galvantula (Shadow or regular) with Fury Cutter, Lunge or Energy Ball
  • Alolan Graveler (Shadow or regular) with Volt Switch, Stone Edge or Rock Blast
  • Pawmot with Spark, Close Combat or Wild Charge
  • Manectric with Snarl, Overheat or Psychic Fangs
  • Ampharos with Volt Switch, Brutal Swing

Best Team for Electric Cup Pokemon GO

Okay, now that we’ve went through the best Pokemon for the Pokemon GO Electric Cup, what about the teams? Well, we are going to give you some suggestions in the list below. Obviously, feel free to share your own ideas in the comments. Essentially, since everyone is Electric-type, there’s not much to say about variation. Bring out the biggest guns, and you should be fine. Like I said, here are some options.

  • Lanturn, Magnezone, Galvantula
  • Luxray, Minun, Lanturn
  • Alolan Graveler, Hisuian Electrode, Pawmot
  • Shadow Magnezone, Minun, Hisuian Electrode
  • Hisuian Electrode, Shadow Galvantula, Magnezone
  • Hisuian Electrode, Ampharos, Luxray
  • Galvantula, Hisuian Electrode, Lanturn
Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.


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