Steam Holiday Sale

Steam-LogoButtonSome consider this time of the year as an opportunity to spend time with the family and share joy with your friends. For me it’s all about the Steam Holiday sales.
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Yes, there are loads of other digital distribution platforms out there and I can recommend several, but Steam sets the benchmark for me. There are some great and new games on sale right now (Dishonored, Hitman: Absolution, Borderlands 2 to name a few) and if you prefer something a bit less AAA you can check out Indie Super Mega Pack that includes 30 games of which at least 20 are awesome. There are so many games on sale right now that you might miss some of them if you do not go deeper past the front page of the Steam store, so some people got together avery nifty document that lets you see all the games on Steam right now, all with price and discount amount. Check it out at You can Sort by title name, Sale price and Save %, which should help make browsing through 2,770 items on sale a lot easier.
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