All Content Warning Monsters List & How to Escape Them

In our All Content Warning Monsters List & How to Escape Them guide, we are going to list all of the monsters in the game (that we’ve encountered) and what tactics you should use to survive encounters with them. Or, at least what we did to survive. I encourage you to add your own strategies in the comments. Here we go.

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all content warning monsters list & how to escape them
All Content Warning Monsters List & How to Escape Them

Content Warning All Monsters List & Escape Tactics

In the list below, we are going to go through the different monsters in Content Warning and what escape tactics you can use to stay alive (to the best of our knowledge). Keep in mind that there are no official names for the creatures at time of writing, so we have to come up with our own. Let’s get into it.

  • Robodog – Avoid being detected. If spotted, jump over it and run.
  • The Spider – Run away while staying away from its webs.
  • Snail Male – It’s slow, so it’s easy to run away from. If it does grab you, sprint away to break free.
  • Mixerhead – Dodge out of the way when it charges you, ideally making it run into the wall.
  • Birdcage (aka Iron Maiden) – One of your teammates have to solve the captcha to free you. Three mistakes and you’re dead.
  • Slimeball – Just a big, almost motionless hunk of slime, just stay away from it and you’re good.
  • Barnacle Bill – Keep your eyes on the ceiling and shine a light at its tendrils, or throw something at it using Q.
  • Tentacles – Do not let it suck you in, run as fast as you can and duck around corners and objects to avoid the air current.
  • Knife Ghost – Dodge out of the way of the first few knife swipes and it will leave, but be careful, it comes back sometimes.
  • Inhuman Centipede – Do not let those giant hands grab you, just sprint away, it’s slower than you.
  • Crawler – Keep your ears peeled for the noise it makes and quickly shine a light on it, because it insta-kills you.
  • Ear Man – Be quiet. If you must move, sneak around, do not run.
  • Eyeball – Run and dodge, not much else to say there.
  • Wide Mouth – Seems to be completely uninterested in you, so just ignore it.
  • Frogger – Run, and run fast. Remember, the frog-thing explodes several times, and it jumps real far.
  • Screamer – Dodge the attack and book it.
  • Ogre – Avoid the gigantic monstrosity at all costs, and if spotted, run and hide.
  • Angler Light – Do not approach. I don’t think there’s any way to escape or avoid it if you end up in its sights.
Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.


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