Pokemon GO Root and Claw Challenge

In our Pokemon GO Root and Claw Challenge guide, we are going to explain how you complete the Collection Challenge. If you have done these challenges before, you’ll know that you need to gather specific Pokemon, and it’s no different here. So, we are going to show you which Pokemon you need to get to finish Root and Claw and how you can get them most efficiently. Let’s begin!

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pokemon go root and claw challenge
Pokemon GO Root and Claw Challenge

How to Complete Pokemon GO Root and Claw Collection Challenge

To complete the Root and Claw Collection Challenge in the 2023 Pokemon GO Adventure Week, you have to “gather” four Pokemon. Two you have to catch, two you have to evolve. The ones you have to capture are Anorith and Lileep, both of which will be spawning in the wild more frequently during the event. Plus, you can get them from some of the Field Research tasks. As for the Pokemon you have to evolve are Armaldo and Cradily, which are the evolutions of Anorith and Lileep. Both of these are actually pretty easy to do; all you need is fifty Anorith Candy and fifty Lileep Candy, respectively. Once you have all four, you’ll finish the challenge. Easy-peasy.

And there you go, that’s how you complete the Pokemon GO Root and Claw Collection Challenge in Adventure Week 2023. Do keep in mind that the event will end on August 2nd at 8 PM local time, so don’t waste time. There are three other Collection Challenges to finish, as well as a bunch of other stuff to do. The Collections are made slightly easier if you know how to use the ribbon mark on the Nearby Pokemon. You can read more about it in our Pokemon GO Nearby Badge Explained guide. And if you go for the Adventures Near and Far Timed Research, you will have to make the choice between the Sightseeing and Studious paths. Take a look at our Sightseeing or Studious Adventure Path Choice guide for more info.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.


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