
mortal kombat 1 dust in the wind klue solution

Mortal Kombat 1 Dust in the Wind Klue Solution

Okay, what is the solution to the Dust in the Wind Klue in Mortal Kombat 1? There are some klues in MK1 Invasions that are sneaky, but fun to solve. This one is just obtuse. But don’t you worry, we’re here to help you. Let’s get right into it. Mortal Kombat 1 Dust in the…


hades 2 technical test sign-ups open

Hades 2 Technical Test Sign-Ups Open

If you want to get into Hades 2 early, get in line. No, I’m serious, get in line: Supergiant Games are letting people sign up…

among ashes getting demo on april 15th

Among Ashes Getting Demo on April 15th

Among Ashes intrigues me. I’ve seen relatively small-scale first-person horror titles that have you playing a game within a game, and as you play that…

dicefolk coming to nintendo switch soon

Dicefolk Coming to Nintendo Switch Soon

Dicefolk is the perfect fit for the Nintendo Switch. For one, the somewhat slept-on rogue-like deck-builder boasts a gorgeous, colorful, cartoonish art style. On top…